Spray Curtains For Center Console T Top

Check out this set of spray curtains for center console t top. We use 60 mil thick strataglass to fabricate custom boat curtains. The white material is Stamoid and it is very strong. To make a 5-piece curtain set requires a lot of patterns and experience. There is a lot to consider when putting a set together. A combination of tracks and snaps had to be used in order to attach the curtains. We use tracks and curtains, so that the curtains can be removed easily when not in use.
We recommend that people remove their curtains while traveling high speeds down the highway. A great place to store curtains is in your shop or garage. It’s best to have some spare curtain tracks mounted to the wall, so the curtains can slide into them. This 5-piece design extends from the rear of the T Top frame to the gunnels of the boat. This style gives a lot more coverage and protection against wind and weather.
White is not a limitation to our spray curtains for center console t top. We offer dozens of colors to choose from, so we can match all types of designs. This 5-piece curtain set has a standard front section, but sometimes people add a u-zip in the front. The u-zip design allows you to open up the front, so wind come come through on nice days. This option is great for customers that leave their curtains on year round and want to cool off in the summer.
Please give us a call to learn more about or boat curtain sets. We can be reached through our contact page. Here is a link that has more pictures of center console boat curtains. We also offer new cushions and recovers.